Ask Other Tax Professionals: Why Switch to UltraTax CS?
Changing the compliance software powering your firm's tax practice is a big deal—however, it's a mistake for firms to think it's not worth the effort of looking around for better alternatives. We invite you to ask yourself:
What if one change could really lead to significantly higher revenues from fewer clients, and a notably improved work‑life balance?
Thomson Reuters is hosting an online Q&A Panel with representatives from two firms—Chasity Hooks, Owner, Hooks CPA, LLC, and Rebecca Schmidt, Managing Partner, Dennis & Associates Group Inc.—who made the switch to UltraTax CS within the past three years and haven't looked back since. We invite you to join us for this event, where you'll have the opportunity to ask your peers anything—and uncover the real scoop on what changing tax software actually looks like for your firm.
Some questions likely to be addressed include:
- What financial impact did the change have on your firm?
- What was the conversion process like?
- What was happening in your firm that made you consider leaving your old vendor?
- What unexpected hiccups did you run into during the conversion process, and how were they resolved?
...and plenty of additional questions, all collected from you!
This special Q&A with your peers will show why it's always advisable to look beyond your current software—and you'll see why the results are worth the effort.