Tax research
Quickly find the answers you need
Checkpoint Edge delivers the latest in artificial intelligence and cognitive computing, enabling you to find fast and accurate answers.
Why choose Checkpoint Edge?

I'm short on staff

My client asked a question on an unfamiliar topic

I just want to be sure
Discover the value of Checkpoint Edge

Checkpoint Edge: AI you can trust
Find the deep tax and accounting insight you need faster with natural language search and intelligent filtering embedded within your research platform.
Industry-leading editorial team
12 millionexpert-authored content pieces with integrated primary source documents that are accurate, continuously updated, and offer comprehensive insights you can trust
5,000combined years of editorial expertise provide reliable and accurate resources to help you navigate the unexpected
680+highly-qualified editors, outside practitioners, and contributors who have practiced at the world’s leading accounting firms, law firms, corporate tax departments, and government agencies
Sevenon-staff news editors who cover the FASB, SEC, Congress, IRS, and other key regulators are dedicated to keeping you informed as rulemaking happens
What your peers are saying about Checkpoint Edge
“It helps us provide more complete answers to our clients much faster.”
Hear how T.C. Burgin used Checkpoint to help sell his client on the value of tax research in providing a defensible position to the IRS, generate significant fees for his firm, and get an answer that made his client happy.

Checkpoint customer success stories
Hear tax and accounting professionals talk about how they use Checkpoint to improve their search process and work more efficiently.
Extremely valuable…it pulls in an area that you may not have thought of. When you are trying to figure it out all by yourself, you are bound to miss something.
I like Checkpoint Edge a lot – if not love it. It will be a lot easier for people learning it and will cut down time for searching. It will make it easier for newcomers to learn the system, and it is easier on the eyes.
If it’s easier to find things, then I can delegate more work out to my staff and they’ll be more adept at doing research. If the AI really works [like this], that’s a homerun.
Awards and recognition

Checkpoint Edge Advisory Maps recently received an Honorable Mention in Accounting Today’s 2023 Top New Products of the year!

Top New Product Award for Smart Research Tools in Accounting Today's 2020 Top New Products List

American Business Awards 2020 Gold Stevie Award
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