ONESOURCE University

Take your expertise to the next level

ONESOURCE is the industry’s most powerful portfolio of tax and accounting technology for corporations. Put that power behind you.

Get faster. Make work easier.

ONESOURCE University’s workshops give you the hands-on education with professional instructors to maximize your effectiveness in the ONESOURCE product suite. These workshops include:

  • Interaction with other ONESOURCE users
  • Tip sharing & best practices
  • Product function exercises in a data-safe sandbox environment
  • CPE credit

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Learn more about ONESOURCE University


We strive to empower all ONESOURCE users to be successful, efficient users of our products. Whether the need is a dedicated instructor-led session, a few workshop seats, a timely WebSeminar, or a subscription to our extensive eLearning library.

Benefits of ONESOURCE University Workshops

Product education with professional instructors

Increase tax technology proficiency in your organization

Learn via hands-on, scenario-based exercises

Leverage the latest ONESOURCE functions

Workshops use blended learning styles for higher knowledge retention

All workshops are CPE certified