Janice Burns, CPA

Executive Editor, Thomson Reuters

Janice Burns, CPA, is an Executive Editor of PPC products with Thomson Reuters. Prior to joining Thomson Reuters, Janice was a senior manager with KPMG. Janice currently specializes in researching and communicating financial statement preparation and auditing guidance. She develops tools that make it easier and more cost-effective for customers to implement complex topics. Her areas of expertise include implementing accounting and auditing standards; logically researching and resolving areas of conflicting guidance; resolving internal product development problems; developing, tracking, and managing schedules and special projects; and meeting scheduled deadlines.

Janice is a coauthor of PPC’s Guide to Audits of Nonpublic Companies and PPC’s Guide to Audit Risk Assessment and a contributing author of PPC’s Guide to Auditor’s Reports and PPC’s Guide to Homeowner’s Associations and Other Common Interest Realty Associations.

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