Stephen E. Holland, CPA
Executive Editor, Thomson Reuters
Stephen E. Holland, CPA, is an executive editor of PPC products for the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters. He has been involved in financial statement and compliance auditing for over 38 years, first as an auditor himself and more recently as developing efficient and effective tools and guidance for the audit profession.
In addition, Mr. Holland has served as an elected council member for his local municipality for over 30 years and as a long-term board member for a national nonprofit, where he is a frequent user of audited financial statements. Before joining Thomson Reuters, Mr. Holland was in public practice for nine years with Deloitte, where he was a senior manager specializing in public company audits and state and local governments.
He is an author or contributing author of PPC’s Guide to Audits of Local Governments, PPC’s Guide to HUD Audits, PPC’s Practice Aids for Audits of Health Care Entities, PPC’s Practice Aids for Audits of School Districts, PPC’s Workpapers, PPC’s Interactive Disclosure Libraries, PPC’s SMART Practice Aids—Single Audit Suite, Checkpoint Engage Single Audit, PPC’s Guide to Litigation Support Services, PPC’s Guide to Physicians and Other Health Care Professionals, PPC’s Guide to Restaurants and Bars, and The PPC Governmental Update Newsletter.