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6 ways to prepare your tax and accounting firm for the future

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 5 minute read

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 5 minute read

Today, harnessing AI and automation is not just an option for accounting firms; it’s a necessity. With increasing pressure to deliver more value to clients while managing costs and staying competitive, AI and automation offer significant competitive benefits that can transform the way accountants work — for the better.

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Eliminate data entry

Standardize workflows

Reduce review time

Keep pace with tax law changes

Improve client experience

Increase profitability

Prepare your tax and accounting firm for the future

Today, harnessing AI and automation is not just an option for accounting firms; it’s a necessity. With increasing pressure to deliver more value to clients while managing costs and staying competitive, AI and automation offer significant competitive benefits that can transform the way accountants work — for the better.

Thomson Reuters is leading the way with powerful AI-driven tax research solutions and AI-enabled tax automation tools that eliminate data entry, standardize workflows, reduce review time, keep pace with tax law changes, keep pace with tax laws, improve the client experience, and increase profitability.

So, what exactly will your firm experience when fully embracing the powerful combination of AI and automation? Let’s take a look at 6 ways you can begin to prepare your firm for the future.

1. Eliminate data entry

Tedious data entry has long defined the tax and accounting profession — but that is all changing. AI and automation tools can now handle this process with greater accuracy and speed than human fingers ever could. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the risk of human error, leading to more accurate financial reporting.

By eliminating data entry, your firm can free up valuable time for your staff to focus on higher-value tasks, such as strategic advisory services, tax planning, and client relationship management.

This transformative shift to more meaningful work will not only strengthen client connections but will also keep your staff happier and more engaged.

2. Standardize workflows

AI-driven automation allows firms to standardize workflows across different clients and engagements. This standardization ensures that all tasks are completed consistently and according to best practices, reducing variability in the quality of work.

Automated workflows also make it easier to train new staff members and scale operations, as the processes are clearly defined and repeatable. This consistency leads to a more reliable service offering, which can improve client satisfaction and trust.

3. Reduce review time

One of the most significant benefits of AI in accounting is its ability to reduce the time spent on reviewing financial data and reports. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify tax-saving opportunities and minimize compliance risks.

Generative AI models can also be applied for predictive analysis by analyzing historical financial data. This can help your firm forecast future trends and make more informed decisions for your clients.

Automation not only speeds up the review process but also allows your team to focus on higher-level analysis rather than getting bogged down in the details. The result is faster turnaround times and more insightful recommendations for your clients.

4. Keep pace with tax law changes

By synthesizing expertly written guidance and analysis, AI-powered tax research draws on thousands of primary sources and expert editorial commentary to quickly surface relevant summaries to even your most complex tax questions. And by searching only reliable and vetted sources, even junior staff can confidently find accurate and easy-to-understand answers on their own.

Simply pose a question, and you’ll quickly receive a relevant answer in everyday language, complete with citations from experts and primary sources. From there, you can seamlessly copy and paste the summarized response into your client or staff communications.

5. Improve client experience

Today’s consumers expect the conveniences of technology and will easily lose patience with entering the same information multiple times, downloading applications, and navigating complexity.

They expect instant access to their data and personalized analysis. They expect simple, easy-to-use online engagement. And if your firm can’t meet these expectations, you risk losing clients to a competitor that can.

Automation and AI can significantly enhance the client experience by providing faster, more insightful advisory-based services compared to tax preparation alone. In addition, client portals can offer clients 24/7 access to their financial data, reports, and tax documents, leading to greater transparency and satisfaction.

You can build stronger client relationships and increase client retention by improving the efficiency, accuracy, and personalization of your tax and accounting services.

6. Increase profitability

Ultimately, the adoption of AI and automation can lead to a significant increase in profitability for your firm. By reducing the time spent on manual tasks, standardizing workflows, and improving the client experience, your firm can operate more efficiently and effectively. This efficiency enables you to take on more clients without an increase in costs, which boosts your bottom line.

Additionally, the insights gained from AI-driven data analysis can help you identify new revenue opportunities and more personalized services to meet your clients’ evolving needs.

Prepare your tax and accounting firm for the future

There is no doubt the accounting industry is rapidly evolving, and firms that fail to embrace AI and automation risk falling behind.

Preparing your firm for the future involves not only adopting these technologies but also fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. This means staying informed about the latest advancements in AI and automation, investing in training for your staff, and being open to rethinking traditional practices.

If you’re curious about which Thomson Reuters solutions are the right fit for your firm, explore our fit assessment tool below to find out.


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