Tax & accounting research tool
Transform the way you work using Checkpoint Edge with CoCounsel
Enhance your tax research and get targeted search results in less time with an AI-driven tool that uses machine learning to help you stay ahead in an ever-changing regulatory landscape

Turn your tax research over to Checkpoint Edge with CoCounsel
Gather high-quality results with AI-assisted research
With CoCounsel, a professional-grade generative AI (GenAI) assistant, simply pose your question and swiftly receive the most relevant answer, complete with citations from trusted experts and primary sources.
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Improve tax planning and advisory with Advisory Maps
Confidently evaluate and determine the best options for your clients with an end-to-end process for delivering specific tax planning and advisory engagements. Named Winner of the 2024 Accounting Today Top New Products, Advisory Maps provides step-by-step guidance and implementation aids for every task and phase of the process.
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Achieve enhanced search results with Concept Markers
Forward your research momentum with dialogue-based research and get quick, on-point search results with markers. Markers represent related or beneficial concepts in your search; clicking on a marker re-sorts your results to include these chosen concepts.
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Reduce SALT research time with state charts
State tax research starts in the charts with Checkpoint Edge with CoCounsel. Begin your research with multistate tax comparison charts for quick answers and save valuable time with one-click access to our State Tax Reporters for on-point primary law and editorial explanations.
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The value of Checkpoint Edge with CoCounsel
"Trying to read an entire document for 15, 20, 30 minutes and trying to really understand those very minute differences and paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, CoCounsel will now give us the opportunity to receive this answer in a more simplified and relatable format where we can read it and understand it, see the citations as we need it, and provide that answer to a client or internally to our own staff."
Brent Forbush
Managing Partner, Forbush & Associates
Recognition for a research platform you can rely on

Top New Product for Advisory Maps in Accounting Today's 2024 Top New Products List

Top New Product Award for Smart Research Tools in Accounting Today's 2020 Top New Products List

American Business Awards 2020 Gold Stevie Award
Questions about Checkpoint Edge with CoCounsel? We're here to support you.
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