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Federal Tax

TIGTA Reviews IRS’ Purchase Card Violations Report

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 1 minute read

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 1 minute read

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) has released its statutorily required semiannual report of IRS employee purchase card violations and the disposition of those violations, including any disciplinary actions taken. (Audit Report No. 2023-10-052)

According to TIGTA, the overall objective of the review was to assess whether the IRS complied with the Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012 during the first half of fiscal year 2023.

The audit concluded that the IRS’ purchase card program controls “are generally effective, and the number of purchase card violations identified by the IRS Credit Card Services Office were minimal and generally for nominal amounts.”

The IRS identified nine cases that involved 12 instances of confirmed purchase card violations. The nine confirmed purchase card cases collectively totaled $58,000 and included four prohibited instances in which the cardholder did not have the proper authority to purchase the specific item, five instances of split purchases, and three purchases for personal use, the audit noted.

“In response to the violations, the IRS employees received disciplinary and nondisciplinary actions ranging from no action to written counseling,” TIGTA said.


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