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SYNERGY for Corporations

SYNERGY for Corporations: 2018 highlights machine learning, artificial intelligence

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 5 minute read

Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting  

· 5 minute read

SYNERGY was a success! 

We were incredibly excited to welcome nearly 1,300 attendees this year to Orlando, Fl. for an inside look at machine learning and artificial intelligence in ONESOURCE and more. Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE and Checkpoint customers and prospective users gathered from hundreds of corporations across the U.S.

SYNERGY: Day 1 highlights

Attendees kicked off the conference by making their way through registration, exhibits, and the Experience Zone. The first evening featured a fabulous reception event, where attendees relaxed and discussed hopes for the conference. Hundreds of new and long-time users and Thomson Reuters staff got acquainted with colleagues and reconnected with old friends.

Our opening evening also included a private VIP event, where Thomson Reuters leaders welcomed our 2018 Taxologists: winners of this year’s awards for exceptional performance and innovation in corporate tax practice. More to come on the topic of the Taxologist Awards separately!

Images of the beach welcome attendees to SYNERGY for Corporations 2018
Images of the beach welcome attendees to SYNERGY for Corporations 2018


Days 2 and 3: Setting the stage and energizing connections

Day 2 opened with a welcome from Piotr Marczewski, leader of the Thomson Reuters corporates segment – serving customers in corporate tax, finance, legal and other departments. Then, Piotr turned the show over to Ramez Naam, professor and former Miscrosoft executive. Between the two of them, SYNERGY attendees heard about technology disruptions from tax regulation to commercial space exploration!

Next, Thomson Reuters leaders Irish McIntyre and Pete Marzullo brought it down to earth with a demonstration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in ONESOURCE 2019.

Thomson Reuters leader Irish McIntyre invites attendees to participate in ONESOURCE development, bringing machine learning to users' new accounts in 2019.
Thomson Reuters leader Irish McIntyre invites attendees to participate in ONESOURCE development, bringing machine learning to users’ new accounts in 2019.

Day 3 continued with more how-to sessions and demonstrations in the Exhibit Hall. And importantly, customers participated in the machine learning of ONESOURCE! With every single attendee’s click within this soon-to-release technology, the “machine” behind ONESOURCE “learned” more about tax regulations and how our customers want to organize your new accounts. As a result, the more clicks and input we received at SYNERGY, the smarter ONESOURCE will be in its new-account suggestions upon launch next year.

Day 4: Bringing it home

This year’s closing event welcomed a virtual panel of Reuters experts discussing the global economy. Reuters new commentators and editors discussed the recent elections, and possible impacts of various policy changes upon the global economy. They joined us by video from Reuters hubs in New York, London and Washington, D.C.

Finally, Marc Mehlman of Thomson Reuters wrapped up SYNERGY 2018 by announcing next year’s location in Denver, Colorado.


Every year, more and more attendees join us online to chat about SYNERGY as it happens. If you attended this year, or even if were keeping up from home, there is still time to join us on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter and follow #SYNERGYTaxTech. The photos are still rolling in, and we’ll post more into the Facebook photo album this week!

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