Services Cancellation Request Thank you for contacting Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting to request cancellation of your services. Please complete the form below and click Submit. 
A Customer Service Representative will then review your request and contact you to complete the cancellation request.

Product Information:

Canceling multiple brands? Please submit a separate cancellation request for each major brand you wish to cancel. Your customer information will be automatically pre-populated, so you’ll only need to give us that information once.

If you wish to cancel all products on an invoice, please type “All Products” in the Product(s) to be Canceled box and include the invoice number in the Invoice Number box below. If you do not include the Invoice Number below, we will not be able to respond to your cancellation request.

I consent to Thomson Reuters using the personal information provided above to send me marketing communications about its products and services. I understand I can opt-out at any time.


By submitting this form, you acknowledge the Thomson Reuters group of companies will process your personal information as described in our Privacy Statement, which explains how we collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information, the consequences if you do not provide this information, and the way in which you can access and correct your personal information or submit a complaint.