Orbitax Global Minimum Tax

Automate Pillar 2 – global minimum tax calculations with an integrated platform

Stay compliant with rapidly evolving Pillar 2 global minimum tax regulations

Why choose Orbitax Global Minimum Tax

The global minimum tax — also known as the BEPS 2.0 Pillar 2 rules — will significantly impact global tax planning, forecasting, reporting, and, ultimately, tax compliance.

As part of the cloud-based Orbitax International Tax platform (Orbitax ITP), Orbitax Global Minimum Tax (Orbitax GMT) automates all OECD Pillar 2 calculations for reporting, GloBE Information Returns (GIR), transmission, and planning based on local country implementation supported by the tax rules of more than 190 countries. Orbitax country-by-country reporting and the Orbitax International Tax Calculator for U.S. foreign source income calculations support workflow through the end-to-end global minimum tax lifecycle.

In addition, Orbitax GMT supports any form of data input and tightly integrates with Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Tax Provision.

What you get with Orbitax Global Minimum Tax

Data collection

Load entity, transaction, and financial data from any source — in any format.

Risk assessment

Perform a high-level risk assessment to identify entities, transactions, and other business operations impacted by the Pillar 2 rule.

Operational readiness

Prepare for compliance and reporting in the first year that the Pillar 2 rules become effective.

Global compliance

Prepare and file the GloBE Information Returns (GIR) in all jurisdictions with Pillar 2 filing obligations.

Multi-year global tax forecasting

Complete multi-year forecast calculations by expanding base-year input with growth assumptions and other input changes.

Track the latest tax rules

Stay current on all jurisdictions' rules across data points, effective dates, and calculation rules, including how those rules differ from the OECD rules.

Confidently manage global minimum tax (Pillar 2 requirements)

Learn how Orbitax GMT automates and simplifies risk assessments, reporting, compliance, and forecasting for global minimum tax.

Orbitax Global Minimum Tax

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