Act now for a better tomorrow: Practical year-end considerations for the tax department
How can organizations remain steady in an endless sea of uncertainty? What quick wins can organizations and their tax teams use to close out 2021 strong and position themselves for a successful 2022?
Organizations have to continue to plan for what they know and what is to come when regulations change in state, national and international jurisdictions. On top of that, tax departments also have to think about growing resource constraints, change management, emerging technologies, and the growing sophistication of tax authorities. How can tax teams gain a deeper understanding of tax law changes like Tax Reform AJCA, Biden Proposals, GMT?
Organizations are counting on their tax teams to increase efficiency and provide actionable insights and analysis. Tax departments are experiencing a dramatic shift from a compliance center to a strategic business partner.
Melissa Oaks and guest David Gassman in this webinar, will talk about how tax teams can create actionable year-end checklists, identify quick wins, and share best practices and tips for a successful 2022. They will discuss how teams can align with corporate finance to understand the business and deal with particular one-off transactions and their potential unique tax treatment. They will also focus on critical solutions to set the stage for 2022.
After today's session, you will be able to:
- Identify tools and solutions that would help understand incoming and ongoing tax rules and regulations
- Understand the landscape of tax research
- Risks for both public and private tax practitioners
- Manage the risk of the unknown and minimize blind spots
- Increase profitability and productivity
- Become a key driver for strategic initiatives and drive business transformation