Unlocking success: the power of IT and indirect tax team collaboration in digital transformation

IT and indirect tax (IDT) collaboration is key to making digital transformation a strategic asset.

  • As businesses undergo digital transformation, the collaboration between IT and indirect tax (IDT) teams becomes essential. Leveraging IDT technology can transform indirect taxes from a regulatory burden into a strategic asset. By working together from the outset, IT and IDT teams can ensure that digital transformation efforts are efficient, cost-effective, and aligned with the organization's broader goals.

    Benefits of effective collaboration Dangers of non-collaboration
    Seamless integration with ERP and systems eliminating the IDT tax burden on IT Disparate systems that require IT support through customizations or workarounds
    Cost and time savings: lowered overall IT costs Increased maintenance and operational costs:  ongoing IT resources and support for tax compliance and the business
    Maintained regulatory compliance  Operational disruptions and penalties for non-compliance with government regulations
    Improved data accessibility and empowered tax teams Requires IT intervention for tax teams to access necessary data, hindering decision-making and reducing operational efficiency
    Optimized tax processes Fragmented, inefficient manual tax processes, leading to extra expenditures and potential errors
    Ensured global oversight and standardization Decentralized and inefficient tax management, leading to lack of automation and higher costs/resourcing requirements 
    Enhanced customer experience  Slow and inefficient tax processes, leading to a poor customer experience
    Improved tax calculation accuracy Inaccurate tax calculations i.e. risk of overpayment or underpayment and non-compliance due to outdated systems
    Achieved strategic alignment Disconnected IT and tax strategies, leading to slower digital transformation and higher costs
    Minimized business disruption Business disruptions and downtime due to poorly managed tax updates and regulatory changes
ONESOURCE Indirect Tax

Seamless tax technology: your key to successful digital transformation