Savings calculator

Enter a few high level data points about your company to see how you may benefit from an automated sales, use, and global tax solution.

Your sales

Annual Estimated Revenue
Enter your gross annual revenue.
Potential First Year Savings (Low) Potential First Year Savings (High)
$ 0 $ 0
Annual Estimated
Full Time Employees
Total Full-time Equivalents (FTE) that support any piece of the sales, use, and value-added tax calculation, compliance, or processing (tax department, AR, AP, IT, etc.)
Potential First Year Savings (Low) Potential First Year Savings (High)
$ 0 $ 0

Your purchases

Annual Estimated Purchases
Enter annual amount spent on buying goods or services.
Potential First Year Savings (Low) Potential First Year Savings (High)
$ 0 $ 0
Annual Estimated
Full Time Employees
Enter total number of full time employees that manually calculate or review tax charged by suppliers on Requisitions, POs, and/or Ap invoices.
Potential First Year Savings (Low) Potential First Year Savings (High)
$ 0 $ 0

Total estimated savings

  • Your sales
  • Your purchases

Learn how ONESOURCE Indirect Tax helps companies manage complex sales and use tax requirements.