Practice Forward

High-potential employees: Strategies for retaining top talent



Emily Postinger

Customer Proposition Strategy Lead, Thomson Reuters


Another high-performing employee at your firm has resigned after a hectic tax season; you’re at a loss. What will this loss mean for morale and staff workload? More importantly, why are staff leaving your firm to pursue other opportunities? Firms and practitioners are up against “The Great Resignation,” a post-pandemic phenomenon in which employees are resigning at the highest rates in decades.

But there is hope. You can fight staff burnout and increase revenue by applying a more sustainable, value-based business model through advisory services. Go beyond standard compliance work to provide customized, high-value advisory services without adding grueling hours.

Join us for a free webcast that explores how transitioning from a compliance-focused firm to an advisory-centric one creates an environment where staff can professionally thrive and want to stay long term to grow their careers.

Speaker bios

  • Emily Postinger
    Customer Proposition Strategy Lead, Thomson Reuters

    Emily is Customer Proposition Strategy Lead with Thomson Reuters. She is passionate about delivering an exceptional client experience that contributes to a firm’s long-term success. Emily's goal is to find ways to help firms build a strong advisory presence so they can focus on their passion for helping their clients.

    She has presented at Thomson Reuters SYNERGY Users' Conference and at various professional events, including Partner Summit. Emily holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in accounting from Eastern Michigan University.

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