ONESOURCE Denied Party Screening features

Automatically screen global lists for restricted parties and sanctioned or embargoed countries

Uncover hidden risks by screening your business partners with ONESOURCE Denied Party Screening (DPS). Reduce fear of penalties and damage to your company’s reputation caused by supply chain compliance violations.

Advanced denied-party screening tools

Enhance security and due diligence in transactions with vendors, suppliers, customers, and partners.

Advanced search engine settings

Be sure you are doing business with the right third parties. DPS screens your customers and suppliers against over 750 global denied-party lists regularly updated for restricted persons, embargoed countries, and companies owned by these entities.

Enhanced due diligence 

Get the audit trail of the screening results that meet due diligence best practices of the U.S. Departments of State and Commerce and other global agencies’ expectations.

Customizable settings 

Reduce the risk of missing real hits and minimize the chance of false positives that appear to be a risk but, after review, do not represent a risk to your business. Configure the search engine to manage the appropriate level of risk for your business.

Workflow management 

Gain efficiency with tools that escalate hits to multiple user groups for review. With better workflow management, you can be sure that your company is taking the necessary steps to mitigate risk.

Build confidence in mitigating and identifying risk

Have questions? Contact a representative.

Workflow automation

Protect your company's reputation with sanctions ownership research data, adverse media screening, and screening for politically exposed persons (PEPs) worldwide from Dow Jones Risk & Compliance.

Automated updates

Evaluate your business partners against regularly updated screening lists. Meet your vendor, supplier, KYC, and other third-party due diligence screening obligations.

Customized screening 

Suit your company’s needs with different methods of screening exports: API, ad hoc, batch, and screening incorporated with our import and export management solutions.

System integration 

Online integration with the corporate system (ERP/CRM/SRM) automatically triggers a screening process whenever a new customer or supplier is added to your database or there is a change to an existing customer or supplier.

Automated reporting 

Numerous standard reports, extracts, queries, and built-in email capabilities for managing and sharing reports. It is simple to locate and distribute the info you need in the format that works best.

Customize your screening process through this automated tool

Have questions? Contact a representative.

Data you can depend on

Ensure regulatory compliance by relying on the best data.

Quality data

Our data meets the most rigorous quality standards. We monitor our information to ensure its accuracy, validity, timeliness, and completeness.

Global data 

Data curated by a large, in-house, multilingual research team bolstered by industry-leading data science and content strategies.

Data analysis 

Granular data is available to help analyze the data for risk — for example, gender, original script name, identity number, place of birth, or date of birth.

Leverage data from worldwide experts from 240+ countries and territories

Have questions? Contact a representative.

Leading global trade contents

Rely on the world’s best global trade content.

Extensive monitored lists

Ensure you are not missing hits with more than 750 global lists monitored for restricted persons, companies, and sanctioned or embargoed countries, consisting of more than 300,000 entities.

Secure records 

Prevent false positives in screening with records that contain over 30 elements — such as name, age, date of birth, locations, citizenships, etc. — which aid the classification of searches.

Content that helps you comply 

Satisfies demands for know your customer (KYC), anti-money laundering (AML), and combating the financing of terrorism (CFT).

Validated content 

Ensure you can efficiently perform due diligence with a content validation process that regularly corresponds with government agencies in addressing issues in regulatory information.

Ensure import and export compliance with ONESOURCE Denied Party Screening

Have questions? Contact a representative.