Checkpoint tools
Working together for maximum efficiency
All Checkpoint Tools come with a complete set of practice aids, including valuable industry-specific practical considerations and guidance. We make sure you have everything you need to complete engagements and tax preparation with ease.
Checkpoint Tools provides accounting and audit professionals with valuable industry-specific practical considerations and guidance including Practice Aids® Audit Suite, PPC’s Practice Aids™, PPC’s Workpapers™, PPC’s Interactive Disclosure Libraries™ and more. These tools work alone or with all paperless engagement products and integrate with Engagement Manager and Workpapers CS, part of the CS Professional Suite from Thomson Reuters.
For tax professionals, PPC Tax Deskbooks on Checkpoint — now with Interactive Practice Aids, provide complete and easy-to-understand answers for solving real-life tax return preparation issues, bridging the gap between interpreting the tax law and reporting real-life client transactions. You can launch and complete Interactive Practice Aids directly within Checkpoint and save them to a Checkpoint folder or export them and work offline. Learn more about PPC Tax Deskbooks on Checkpoint.

Specialized Industry Coverage for Checkpoint Tools
Accounting Services
Learn the basics of write up, preparation, compilation and review services with in-depth guidance for specific entities and unique engagements.
Nonpublic and Public Companies: Audit and Attest
All of the tools and practical guidance you need to perform high-quality audit and attest engagements, whether you have a large practice or perform just a few engagements.
Nonprofit Organizations: Audit and Accounting
Find answers to questions, valuable practice aids, detailed checklists and reports for all your nonprofit accounting and auditing engagements.
Government: Audit and Accounting
Everything you need to make your job easier — audit programs, checklists, confirmations and reporting assistance for your local government engagements.
Specialized Industries: Audit and Accounting
The largest breadth of specialized industry coverage available complete with expert guidance and practice aids for all your unique client engagement needs.
International: Audit and Financial Statements
Useful tools designed for audits performed under international standards, including disclosure checklists for entities reporting under either IFRS or IFRS for Small and Medium Entities (IFRS for SMEs).
Business Valuation and Consulting
Review discussions on requirements and updated practice aids to help you provide effective, accurate services to your clients.
PPC Tax Deskbooks with Interactive Practice Aids
Cut through your compliance workload with confidence by accessing interactive versions of all the editable Practice Aids (including worksheets, checklists, elections, statements, letters, and more).

Practice Aids Audit Suite

Practice Aids is an innovative collection of products designed with the audit and accounting professional’s workflow in mind to enable you to work more efficiently and effectively. This dynamic automation of expert content coupled with unparalleled breadth of specialized industries is unmatched in the industry and used by tens of thousands of practitioners nationwide.
We use the Checkpoint Tools and the Practice Aids to start every accounting and auditing engagement ... I can’t imagine trying to do a financial statement audit without all of those documents and all of those tools.
Request a free consultation
Learn more about what specific Checkpoint Tools will help you perform your specialized industry engagements.