Practice Forward

Customer testimonials
Stories about accounting professionals improving their firms and their lives

Hear from your peers who made the advisory journey with Practice Forward

Taking the plunge

Doing something differently when it involves your clients can feel overwhelming.

We asked Practice Forward members to share the story of the first time they approached a client using the Practice Forward model. Watch this video to hear about their experiences.

The practice forward journey - Taking the plunge

Customer testimonials

[Practice Forward has] given me the freedom to be a better husband, a better father, a better business owner ... it's a game changer. Completely changed me.
We had spent so much time developing our own materials and trying to develop that client relationship….Practice Forward was the biggest shortcut we could have ever taken.
Hands down, [Practice Forward] has been the largest single contributing factor to the success of my practice since I started my practice.

More customer testimonials


Improve cash flow

Sheri Harris and Tom Hicks detail how Practice Forward revolutionized J.T. Hicks & Company by eliminating accounts receivable challenges, fostering client relations, increasing revenue, and introducing a systematic approach to engaging with clients.


Have fun at work!

Sharon Macke and William Macke of Macke & Company, CPAs discuss how Practice Forward has put them back in the driver's seat of their firm, generating a fun work experience.


Hit the ground running

Brett Hess, Owner of Business Management Company, Inc., wanted to elevate client service and improve margins. His firm implemented Practice Forward and saw success fast by using the ready-made tools.


Client deliverables with a “wow-factor”

Ernie Villany, President and CEO, and Brittany Casarez, Director of Operations at Boulder Valley CPAs, share how Practice Forward helped them elevate their client service with high quality content.


Do more with less

Erin Heath, Owner of Erin R. Heath CPA, implemented Practice Forward to improve work-life balance for her and her team. A small firm in a remote area, Erin and her staff now enjoy flexibility that even extends to tax season.


Clarity and confidence

Katie Lomness, Liza Ortiz, and Laura Webb of Lomness CPA share how Practice Forward has helped them get paid for their value while increasing clarity in client relationships, and confidence among staff.


Realize your worth

Tracie Hannick, President of Bean Counting Firm, Inc, tells how Practice Forward helped her gain confidence by realizing the value her and her staff bring to their clients.


Unite your large firm under a common mission

Michelle Layer, Chief Operating Officer at CarlsonSV, reflects on how Practice Forward emphasized consistency across several offices running separately.


Get paid for your expertise

Rick Sager CPA, Owner of Sager & Associates, CPAs, shares how Practice Forward helped him get out of a rut so his firm could grow financially, hire great staff, and truly help clients.


Offer proactive client service

Brittany Lanphier, CPA, Managing Partner of Lanphier LLP, tells how Practice Forward helped her firm become the proactive firm they always wanted to be while drastically increasing revenue.

Practice Forward

Tools and customized coaching designed to enhance your firm’s accounting advisory services and strengthen client relationships