Better together

Thomson Reuters has partnered with Ignition to help firms take their advisory transition to the next level

Get paid faster. Run your business smarter.

Ignition automates and optimizes proposals, client agreements, billing and payment collection to put an end to late payments, unbilled work and mundane repetitive admin.

Sell confidently with branded online proposals created in minutes

Set client relationships up for success with branded online proposals that are quick to prepare, impressive to receive and easy to sign.

80% of all Ignition proposals sent are accepted 45% of proposals are accepted within 24 hours

Get paid with certainty

Collect payment details upfront and automate payment collection from the moment a client signs your proposal. When the invoice is due, we’ll automatically take the payment so no one lifts a finger.

Bring clarity to client agreements

Set the right expectation with contracts and engagement letters that clearly outline your services, pricing, billing schedule, and payment terms.

What our customers are saying about Ignition


Collect client signatures and payments upfront
Katie Lomness of Lomness CPA shares how Ignition has streamlined how her firm handles engagement letters and allows them to automate recurring payments.


Save time in the client engagement process
Ken Palmer of Palmer, Brady & Galloway, PLLC shares how Ignition has made collecting client signatures and payments much more efficient.


Gain control over AR
Ernie Villany shares how Ignition has helped his firm vastly improve their proposal and engagement letter processes and bring their AR down to zero!

Why Practice Forward and Ignition?

By combining Practice Forward and Ignition, you have the roadmap to build your new firm model and the engine to accelerate the growth of your firm.

  • 18 hours
    Saved on average per week by Ignition customers.
  • 50%
    less time spent each week on average creating proposals and issuing engagements*
  • 70%
    less time spent each week on average collecting payments**

Source: Global research commissioned by Ignition, conducted by YouGov, July 2022.
*compared to users of other proposal software
**compared to users of other payments software

Case Study

Practice Forward and Ignition take Capocore Professional Advisors to new heights

Driving greater efficiencies, streamlining accounting processes, and better serving clients

Ready to learn more?

Talk to us about combining Practice Forward and Ignition to accelerate the growth of your firm. Fill out this form and our sales team will contact you. Or call a representative in your region at +1 800 968 8900.

Exclusive pricing for new Ignition customers available through Thomson Reuters.

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