
Free trade

Which free trade agreement will affect your business next?

Are you ready for free trade agreements?

For global businesses, free trade agreements (FTAs) can open up new markets and significantly lower the cost of goods and materials. But just 23 percent of businesses interviewed for Thomson Reuters annual global trade report used all FTAs available to them. The large multinational companies that do take advantage of FTAs often rely on manual processes to manage compliance. Most also lack visibility into their suppliers, some of which don’t comply with complex regulations. And for businesses with smaller trade volumes, FTA savings simply may not make up for the time and paperwork involved. Across the board, standardized processes for identifying and complying with FTAs are rare. But with Thomson Reuters global trade solutions, your business can keep up with new and evolving FTAs around the globe, reduce risks by complying with FTA guidelines, and save money through more efficient processes and preferential duty rates.


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Insights to prepare you for free trade agreements


Classification of goods and compliance requirements in India international trade

Learn more about why product classification remains a major challenge for global trade and how you can stay up to date. 

REUTERS/Mark Blinch


Trade between Brazil and Canada: Past, present and future

See how Brazil and Canada improved trade through a strong and dynamic partnership. 

REUTERS/© Edgar Su / Reuters


AEC 2015: Benefits and challenges for Indonesia

Learn more about how the AEC 2015 significantly impacted the development of Indonesian businesses.

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