International Tax Calculator

Navigate the complexities of TCJA’s international provisions

Why choose International Tax Calculator

When you do business around the world, every decision you make can have material tax effects. ONESOURCE International Tax Calculator is an integrated solution for the complex US international outbound rules including the TCJA GILTI, FDII and BEAT calculations, as well as the legacy Subpart F, Foreign Dividends, and US FTC calculations. Have complete confidence that you understand the impact of these complex calculations and ensure that you bring your tax provision closer to your tax return.

  • Enjoy the streamlined and connected process – sync with your ERP system, the 1120 XML, your tax return and tax provision software, allowing more time to review and optimize your calculations.
  • Minimize the risk of errors inherent with Excel.
  • Increase speed to sign-off on your calculations with clearly defined Input and Review processes.

GILTI High Tax Exception – are you owed a tax refund?


ONESOURCE International Tax Calculator includes the tax savings opportunity introduced by the final GILTI High Tax Regulations. This means removing GILTI income from CFCs where the effective tax rate is greater than 18.9%. International Tax Calculator efficiently imports the data from ONESOURCE Tax Provision, runs the calculation and exports the result to your domestic provision – or to ONESOURCE Income tax to file your refund request. International Tax Calculator can confirm your eligibility for a GILTI High Tax Election refund in just a few clicks. Why not run the election today?

What you get with our International Tax Calculator

A precise calculator

Ensure accurate and robust U.S. international provision calculations and minimize return to provision differences.

Seamless data connectivity

Import and export data at the click of a button via a data bridge from ONESOURCE Tax Provision and ONESOURCE Income Tax.

"What-if" planning

Start with base case, run a scenario to change the entity chart, add a cross-border payment or repatriation plan, then view the planning benefits.

The ability to easily roll data forward is one of the best things about ONESOURCE International Tax Calculator. Now we can build up a really nice database with years of data.

Ready to start a conversation?

Need more information about how our solutions can work for you? Drop us a line and someone from our sales team will get back to you. Or call a regional representative at 
