Audit engagement software

Automate your workflow with Engagement Manager

Rely on this comprehensive, cloud-based engagement management tool with full trial balance capabilities, work paper management, financial statement reporting functionality, and more

Explore the most extensive digital engagement manager

AI technology for risk analysis

AI technology for risk analysis

Free up time spent on over-sampling with Audit Intelligence Analyze, an automated, seamless way to analyze all transactions as part of your current workflow. Focus audit procedures on high-risk areas and minimize work on low-risk ones.

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Powerful work paper management

Manage even the most data-intensive engagement with customizable workspace, multitasking capabilities, and a list to easily find workpapers and track the status.

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Sophisticated trial balance capabilities

Prepare financial statements quickly and accurately with fast imports and customizable features. The working trial balance is powerful, even for large consolidation and fund clients.

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User-friendly engagement status dashboard

View the critical information about your engagements at a glance from the status dashboards, including notifications for tasks assigned to you.

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Complex engagements made simple

AI-powered audit

Reduce audit testing and catch items normally missed by humans so you can proceed with greater confidence.

Manage your entire audit

Efficiently organize your engagements, workpapers, files, trial balances, reports, and notes.

Real-time collaboration

Get access anytime, anywhere, with real-time updates and collaboration on engagements.

The value of Engagement Manager

Modern technology to complete audits faster

Take your audit practice into the future with Engagement Manager's data analytics and AI-powered capabilities. Streamline your workflow with a comprehensive, cloud-based solution that includes client communications.

See how the power of integration helps you complete audits faster

Streamline your PBC process with the ability to send and receive client communications from Engagement Manager.

Jeff Forrestall
Managing Partner, Forrestall CPAs

Create a better workflow with the ability to work on trial balances in Engagement Manager and import them into UltraTax.

Patrick Malone
Senior Manager, KerberRose

Discover how Engagement Manager can improve efficiency by helping you manage engagements in one place. 

Tim Downing
Owner, Downing & Company