
CS Professional Suite

FileCabinet CS

A convenient document management system for accountants

Why choose FileCabinet CS

You need a fast way to access documents so you can offer the best service to your clients. Designed for accountants, Thomson Reuters FileCabinet CS is like an electronic file cabinet. The desktop application allows you to view and email documents in an instant. You'll save valuable time with this accounting document management system — no more hunting through paper files. Plus, with electronic records, you can back up all your important documentation without using more space in your office. FileCabinet CS will store any CS Professional Suite, Microsoft® Windows®, or scanned document in organized folders, for easy access at any time.

What you get with our document management system

Save resources

Reduce paper and file cabinets and save time with instant data-sharing between CS Professional Suite programs.

Manage scanned files

Organize documents in folders and easily access files at any time from a drop-down list.

Track file drawer contents

Track contents and view statistics to check the size of your data locations and automatically back up all client data files.

Annotate documents

Easily annotate documents and increase editing efficiency later by adding text, highlighting, stamps, or audio clips, and embedding files.

Organize and track documents

Track user history and overwrite files. Plus, fax or email password-protected documents and archive folders.

See how FileCabinet CS streamlines your document management process.


Customer testimonial

Michelle Cyron, CPA

CPA Michelle Cyron explains how FileCabinet CS allows her quick access to files to better serve her clients.



How can this paperless solution assist your firm?

Learn how FileCabinet CS streamlines your document management by allowing you to securely access, view, and email documents in an instant.

Two ways to use FileCabinet CS in the cloud

Our hosted solutions offer remote software access, relieving you of IT burdens and providing industry standard security for you and your clients' data.

Virtual Office CS

Get anytime, anywhere online access to CS Professional Suite and select Microsoft® products in the cloud.

Software as a Service for CS Professional Suite (SaaS)

Lease online versions of our entire award-winning CS Professional Suite, plus Microsoft® Office and Exchange.

From paperless to less paper: 10 ways to dial down paper usage without going cold turkey

Even if you're not ready to go 100% paperless, you can significantly reduce paper usage and increase efficiency at your firm by making a few simple changes. This white paper tells you how.

Ready to start a conversation?

Need more information about how our solutions can work for you? Drop us a line and someone from our sales team will get back to you. Or you can call a representative in your region at +1 800 968 8900.

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Did you know that as a Thomson Reuters CS Professional Suite customer, you qualify for special pricing from Fujitsu on select scanners?