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Modernize your audit practice: How AI is shaping the future of auditing 

The time is now to level up your audit technology 

There is no doubt that today’s clients want more insights, including valuable data-driven analytics that help them work smarter. With the dawn of artificial intelligence (AI), auditors are well positioned to meet these needs; however, they must move fast to modernize their practices — or risk losing out to the competition.

The emergence of advanced technologies has revolutionized auditing practices, offering audit teams powerful tools to better analyze risk assessments, improve efficiency, and generate meaningful insights. Clients want and expect their auditors to be current with these new technologies and use them to provide strategic guidance.

To remain competitive, firms must embrace innovation, particularly regarding AI, to help propel them into the next generation of audits. Let’s explore how your firm can modernize audit processes to improve efficiencies, leverage data analytics, and attract and retain top talent.

Where to start 

The cloud: Table stakes for a modern audit 

Cloud solutions — more specifically, cloud-native solutions — are a must-have for firms looking to modernize their audit practice. By leveraging cloud-native solutions, audit firms can access data, systems, and applications from virtually any location.

The ability to conduct remote audits effectively and securely begins with implementing the right cloud solution. Unlike solutions that are simply cloud enabled, a cloud-native solution is designed and built in a cloud infrastructure. Leveraging a cloud-native solution enables firms to enjoy the cloud-computing delivery model’s full advantages and deliver a modern user experience.

Outdated systems and applications are disconnected from one another, leading to version-control issues, collaboration issues between peers and clients, and missed opportunities to leverage them between various tools and users. Firms can maximize time and minimize risk on even the most complex audit engagements by adopting a completely integrated, cloud-native solution.

Accounting firms are gatekeepers to a treasure trove of sensitive client data and are responsible for ensuring that data is protected. Outdated software leaves firms open to security vulnerabilities like malware; on-premise servers risk data loss and backup and recovery challenges if not properly maintained and secured. Yes, firms can store data on an off-site backup server, but this comes with additional costs and maintenance fees. Furthermore, sensitive data can fall into the wrong hands if a laptop gets misplaced or stolen.

Cloud solutions provide greater security because they store client data on remote, encrypted servers with redundant, up-to-date security measures for retrieval only by those people authorized to access them. Leveraging the cloud also helps ensure business continuity when unforeseen events happen, such as a natural disaster, cyberattack, or a global event like the COVID-19 pandemic.

In short, cloud-native platforms are an essential first step toward a modernized audit practice. If your firm still uses outdated software, it’s time to change.

Remote audits

Advancements in technology have made remote work increasingly normalized, especially as employee expectations and desires shift and firms discover the advantages of working outside the constraints of a traditional brick-and-mortar office. Plus, the ability to perform high-quality audits at a distance offers many potential benefits to firms, including taking on new business opportunities and hiring talent in geographic locations other than their own.

While in-person audits are second nature for accounting firms, the logistics are slightly different in a remote environment. Here are items to keep in mind while developing your remote audit strategy.

Client availability

It’s hard to know where your clients are in the process of remote business continuity and their ability to access the information you need to conduct the audit. They may need to be in the office to get some of the information you need, so it’s good to do some pre-planning to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Obtaining client records

If the client can send you records electronically, you must have a secure way to receive them. It’s dangerous to send sensitive information via email, and read-only records could fall short of the level of access you need to get into the data. Many firms have successfully used secure client portals to transfer records safely. If your firm doesn’t already have the technology, it’s worth looking into secure portals for this purpose.

Don’t forget about communication

Communication is the foundation of your remote audit program. Think about communication with your engagement team members and your clients. A clear communication plan will go a long way toward ensuring a successful remote audit launch.

Audit documentation 

Consider retaining all email and electronic communications, which might help meet the audit documentation requirements. For the workpapers, either include the relevant portion of the electronic communication or document the details of an email communication the same way you would document an in-person conversation conducted onsite, the way it’s used as audit evidence.

Remote audit engagements offer unprecedented flexibility for both clients and firms, but the success of any remote audit team rests on building a collaboration toolbox full of software and strategies to ensure clear communication with team members and clients, ensuring that all involved can send and receive the necessary information to complete the audit effectively and accurately.

How to modernize your audit 

In the quest to modernize your audit practice and stay ahead in the game, it’s essential to identify the technology and methods that elevate your firm to the next level. The ever-evolving auditing landscape demands a proactive approach to adopting new technologies and methodologies. The tools and strategies needed to elevate your firm are not luxuries that firms can take or leave; they are necessary for modernization.

Let’s explore the pivotal next steps and innovative tools essential for modernizing your audit practice and updating processes.

Greater automation 

It’s no secret that inefficiencies and bottlenecks in your firm’s workflow negatively impact productivity and time spent on tasks, quality of services, and profitability. Sharing data across applications and leveraging automation to weed out tedious, manual tasks — such as double data entry — enables firms to save time and resources while streamlining workflows.

When evaluating an integrated, cloud-native platform, consider a solution that delivers at least the following features:

  • A web-based engagement management tool that requires no software downloads, updates, or versioning that impacts productivity.
  • The latest audit standards that are automatically incorporated in the audit guides to ensure you comply and pass peer review.
  • Automated document retention policies.
  • The ability to instantly access audit data from any location with simplified workflows that eliminate the worry about transferring, backing up, restoring, or refreshing audit files.
  • Web-based audit planning workflow management that ensures staff always has the latest version of a document.
  • An end-to-end audit solution, including single audits, to avoid wasting time with multiple sources.
  • The ability to initiate, monitor, and receive confirmations within one application.
  • A solution that ingests data from 100% of client accounting systems in real time.
  • An automated sampling process to save time.
  • Automated PBC workflow and project management, as well as data extraction and validation from 100% of client enterprise resource planning systems.

Leveraging application programming interfaces (APIs) is also crucial to achieving greater automation of critical processes.

An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. It specifies how software components should interact and enables applications to exchange data and functionality. In short, APIs connect otherwise disconnected third-party systems.

With APIs, modern audit practices can:

  • Avoid entering data manually to reduce the risk of errors
  • Increase visibility of client needs with connected solutions
  • Gain insights for analysis and decision support
  • Automate key processes and reduce hours spent on mundane tasks
  • Connect otherwise disconnected third-party systems

The power of data analytics and AI 

AI-powered audit software has the capability to swiftly analyze vast datasets, identifying patterns, anomalies, and potential risks with exceptional speed. This technology enables auditors to concentrate on more intricate and strategic aspects of their work, such as interpreting results and offering insights based on experience.

Moreover, AI facilitates predictive analytics, empowering firms to anticipate potential risks and trends based on historical data. This proactive approach enhances risk identification and decision making, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the financial landscape.

AI and machine-learning algorithms continuously learn from auditors’ interactions, allowing them to adapt to evolving industry regulations. This adaptability is essential in a profession that is constantly changing.

Transforming risk assessments with AI 

In the past, auditors relied heavily on manual processes to uncover risks in financial statements and business operations. While effective to some extent, this approach is time consuming and susceptible to human error.

AI-driven audit software with assisted decision-making capabilities can proactively access anonymized data from the audit community, suggesting areas of risk that may have been overlooked. This ability empowers audit teams to conduct audits more efficiently and confidently.

Leveraging AI for an automated, risk-based engagement process 

In today’s competitive business environment, clients expect auditors to provide more than just financial compliance. They want a holistic view of their financial well-being, along with opportunities for improvement.

Transitioning to new audit software may seem daunting, but the benefits are substantial. AI and data analytics technologies continue to evolve, making the audit process increasingly effective and efficient.

Imagine a comprehensive audit preparation, compilation, and review tool powered by AI, ensuring compliance with professional standards and facilitating peer review. With AI’s assistance, auditors can create customized audit programs based on documented risks and assertions, eliminating over- or under-auditing.

Embracing AI enables firms to meet evolving demands quickly while enhancing audit efficiency and quality. Partnering with the right solutions provider also ensures a smooth transition, minimizing disruption to existing processes and maximizing the benefits of AI-driven audit technologies.


Enhance advisory services 

By leveraging such advanced technologies, firms can deliver enhanced advisory services and strategic business insights to their clients that extend beyond the audit. Doing so leads to stronger client relationships and, ultimately, greater profitability.

Take, for example, an auditor with numerous clients within the construction industry who knows common ratios for that particular industry. By analyzing a client’s ratios, an auditor may determine, for instance, if their gross profit percentages are much lower than expected compared to other clients within the construction industry.

Further underscoring this point, KPMG/Forbes Insights research found that respondents gave audit high marks for providing more insights to help make better-informed business decisions. Specifically, when asked which of the following valuable insights they received as an output from their audit, respondents said:

  • Insights leading to proactive quality assurance and regulatory compliance (67%)
  • Help assessing risks and risk management practices (56%)
  • More transparency about arriving at the audit opinion and about what has been learned during the audit (54%)
  • A forward-trending view of risks (47%)
  • A more holistic view of the state and prospects of the organization (43%)
  • A forward-trending view of data (41%)

As the KPMG/Forbes Insights report states, “Clearly, auditors who look at the total landscape and drill down on the issues that are most relevant and important to a given organization can add the most value. Increasingly, clients are not only expecting this, but demanding this.”

Technology’s role in talent strategies 

Most people have grown accustomed to using the latest devices, software, and apps in their personal lives and they desire the same ease of use, accessibility, and convenience in the technology within their workplace. Auditors are no exception.

Implementing innovative technologies isn’t only about having the latest and greatest new gadgets. Modernizing your audit practice and driving greater efficiencies helps keep staff engaged and confident — and with cloud solutions and remote capabilities, they can enjoy a better work-life balance.

When firms leverage AI-powered automation to weed out mundane, manual tasks, it not only reduces the risk of errors and inefficiencies but also provides associates the time to focus on more fulfilling and rewarding work — resulting in happier, more engaged employees and reduced staff turnover.

Enabling associates to have a better work-life balance by implementing the latest cloud technologies for remote capabilities is also critical in attracting and retaining top talent.

In addition, firms that demonstrate an eagerness to invest in innovative technologies send a message to prospective — and current — employees that they are a future-ready, forward-looking practice.

The talent war shows few signs of slowing in today’s complex and challenging environment. A top concern for many firms, especially those using antiquated technology, has been and continues to be attracting and retaining quality audit staff.


As the audit landscape evolves at a rapid pace, driven by technological advancements and changing client expectations, the need for modernization in audit practices has never been more critical. The integration of data analytics and AI into auditing not only streamlines processes but also elevates the value auditors bring to their clients through deeper insights and strategic foresight.

The journey to a future-proof audit practice begins with embracing the right technologies — those that offer the agility of remote audits, the efficiency of automation, and the power of cloud computing. By adopting these innovations, firms can enhance their service offerings, strengthen client relationships, and position themselves at the forefront of the industry.

Take the first step toward modernizing your audit practice with our on-demand webcast, “3 keys to the future of audit.” Learn essential insights into the future of auditing and how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

If you’re ready to propel your audit practice forward, learn more about Thomson Reuters Cloud Audit Suite — a comprehensive solution designed to bring your audit practice into the next era.

Don’t let your firm fall behind in a world where technology is reshaping the audit profession. Embrace the change and equip your firm with the tools and knowledge to thrive in this modern landscape today. 

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