Exploring the operational impact of global regulatory changes
Sharon Martin
Zoe Martinez
Lucy Tillet
Global developments in free trade agreements (FTAs) influence supply chain design — most notably the USMCA, RCEP, and CPTPP, coupled with a lesser economic dependency on China, rising sanctions, and an economic downturn. Therefore, it is becoming ever more critical to leverage free trade agreements and benefit from new market opportunities and cost savings.
However, just 23% of businesses interviewed by Thomson Reuters in its 2022 annual global trade survey reported they had taken advantage of all available FTAs — and of those that do, often these companies use manual processes to manage their compliance.
How can you raise awareness and manage FTAs successfully to save money and mitigate risk across your supply chain?
Join our on-demand webinar, a partnership with Thomson Reuters, American Shipper, and EY Tax and Trade experts, who will offer global insights and practical tips on:
- Understanding global market developments and new unilateral agreements and realizing cost savings they can offer
- Evaluating the viability of qualifying for an FTA
- How to drive better solicitation responses and earn a certificate
- Leveraging the benefits of technology to save time and money with FTAs
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ONESOURCE Global Trade has ushered in a new era — simplify your process, gain compliance, and save time with this management software